As promised, here is the second set of 10th anniversary images taken earlier this week. The top photograph in each pair is from 2007, and the bottom is from 2017. I added another pair, so there are thirteen in all.
I did receive one question about technical differences between now and then. In 2007, I was working with both medium format film and digital. I had just purchased the first "affordable" full frame digital camera, the original Canon 5d, and had just begun to really trust it for serious work when I started photographing Nebraska. 2017 finds me with a Nikon D800. The biggest difference? 12 megapixels then, 36 megapixels now, along with a host of improvements in usability and other aspects of image quality.
A person can only guess what will be available in another ten years. My guess is that it won't be all that much different than now, as technological progress in photography has slowed considerably.
Silver Creek
Grand Island