Heading south — Joseph Vavak

Heading south

It's time for my last trek of the year, a few days on the road to visit places I've yet to see. At the moment, all I know is that I'm working my way south, likely to Oklahoma and wherever else I may end up over the course of this trip. Today was spent mainly on interstates, working my way south of Kansas City and down to spend a night in Joplin, Missouri. 

Some random thoughts..

It's hard to believe that it's almost November. The temperature was above 80 degrees for most of the day. Just about perfect.

If you've been wondering where all of the Trump yard signs are this election season.. They are all in Missouri. The biggest Trump / Pence sign I saw was in Liberal, Missouri of all places.

A boy on a little motorcycle in Hume, Missouri asked me what I was doing, then proceeded to stare at me while I walked around the downtown buildings. As I left, he sped up behind me and appeared to be taking pictures of my car with a smartphone. Never can be too vigilant, I suppose.

Commerce, Oklahoma tomorrow. A place forever burned into my consciousness after reading Mickey Mantle's biography in 5th grade.

Visited: Adrian, Merwin, Amsterdam, Amoret, Butler, Rich Hill, Hume, Amos, Stotesbury, Richards, Deerfield, Bronaugh, Nashville, and Jasper, Missouri.