2010 marks the completion and unveiling of ninety-three, a photographic record of the state of Nebraska. ninety-three features one photograph for every one of Nebraska's counties, the result of countless miles spent wandering my home state. It is a random collection of memories and places unlike most any portrait of Nebraska that you might have seen. ninety-three is about getting to know exactly where it is I come from and recording everything that I encountered along the way.
ninety-three will be on display at the Hot Shops Art Center in Omaha, Nebraska in May of 2010. The show will be opening during the Hot Shops' spring open house weekend.
May 2006
Corning Center For The Fine Arts in Corning, Iowa
October 2006
W. Dale Clark Library in Omaha, Nebraska
One MWPSE Student Exhibition
November 2006
Hillmer Art Gallery in Omaha, Nebraska
Artist and Mentor Show
April 2007
The Art Of Music in Nebraska City, Nebraska
January 2008
Hot Shops Art Center in Omaha, Nebraska
Miniseries 2.0
May 2010
Hot Shops Art Center in Omaha, Nebraska
selections from ninety-three
May 2012
Hot Shops Art Center in Omaha, Nebraska
selections from The Magic City
For references, inquiries or any other questions that you might have, please contact me at josephvavak at gmail.com.