A few photographs from a visit to Sioux City over the long Thanksgiving weekend. I lived there from 1991-1995 and, while a lot has changed, there are still quite a few parts of town that are just as I remember them. Sioux City has a lot in common with another old Missouri River town that I visited early this year - St. Joseph, Missouri. Both have new, sprawling commercial developments on the edges while the middle of town struggles to survive.
I’m working with a new camera - a Nikon Z6 - and am very impressed so far. It is far smaller than existing full frame Nikon cameras but still handles very well. No judgements on the image quality as of now (Adobe does not yet support the Z6) but my first impressions are excellent, especially the compact 24-70 zoom.
A long, cold winter is just around the corner here in Nebraska. Time to start planning for and dreaming of spring.